Friday 21 February 2025

The Short Path from Graduation to Employment for Graduates of USC

The University of Science and Culture President, Dr. Mohammad Hossein Imani Khoshkhoo, said: “Employment is one of the main issues students and graduates are facing in the society. However, more than 75 percent of graduates of the USC have career opportunities”.

The President, described the University of Science and Culture (USM) as one of the most prestigious universities of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology in Iran. He said: “Third-generation universities are known as entrepreneurship universities that are concerned about the employment of students”.

Imani stated that the time between graduation and employment for students studying at the University of Science and Culture is very short. More than 75 percent of graduates of the university have career opportunities and we aim not to have unemployed graduates.

According to the USC president, all programs offered at the university are based on the community's needs. Master’s programs such as business law, e-commerce, tourism, Islamic art, private law, and interior architecture will be open for applications for the fall intake.

“Since unemployment is a major dilemma in our society, thus universities should move towards entrepreneurship, in order to solve the problems and needs of the society,” said Imani.